A selection of Small Birds Press publications will be at Conway Hall in central London on Friday 28 and Saturday 29 October, on the Poetics Research Centre table at the Small Publishers Fair. Usually the fair is an annual event, but this is the first time since 2019 that it has been in-person. That 2019 book fair came a couple of months into my Poetic Practice PhD at Royal Holloway; now I’m in my final year.
Over the past weeks, I’ve been working with fellow PhD researcher Briony Hughes to curate the table and readings for the Poetics Research Centre. You can find more details on the Small Publishers Fair website and our gorgeous new Poetic Practice Now showcase and archive (which Briony has made).
I’m currently gathering materials and making some new Small Birds Press limited-edition works, developed during my PhD (see my Instagram for some sneak peeks). I will also have copies of the SCRUB Management Handbook No.1 Mere artist’s book and pamphlet (Singing Apple Press), Cut-out Bambi and Type Flight, as well as some ‘Clootie Collar’ poem ribbons with deer and bell charms. With other Poetic Practice staff and students, I will be giving a short reading on the Saturday afternoon.
Do come and say hello!